Friday, June 26, 2015

list of things I learned while spending ten days with complete strangers who've turned into great friends

  • People are supportive
  • Humility is not lost
  • Nature is wonderful
  • A lack of cell phone service surprisingly doesn't take that long to get used to
  • Hiking is so refreshing
  • I'm really good at learning people's names fairly quickly
  • Jumping off of a 40ft pole is exhilarating (with a harness, of course)
  • The stars are beautiful
  • Sweat is so normal
  • Spiders aren't really that bad
  • I'm extremely ticklish between my toes
  • Bee stings suck
  • Sometimes you have to accept the fact that crocs are all that are gonna fit your feet because of said bee sting
  • Laughter is so important, but sometimes so is crying
  • I've missed singing with a group
  • Faith is a wonderful thing if you choose to believe, but so is making your own decision on what you choose to believe
  • The smell of a campfire makes me feel at home
  • Climbing a wall with no rope is the hardest thing I've ever done, but with people who were once complete strangers pushing me up and pulling me over, it was completely doable
  • You're never too old to pass notes to a friend
  • Summer camp is pretty cool
  • Also SQUAD!

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